ACORN South By Five: Bellahouston

Route summary

Kick off the New Year with the Acorn Trails penultimate South by Five race at Bellahouston Park.

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Introduced by Acorn Trails in 2019, the South By Five races were well received by locals runners. Based on the iconic Glasgow race, The Southside Six, South By Five visits each of the six parks over a 10 week period. A 5km event is held in each park, with runners able to enter single events or the whole series (the whole series requires early booking so give Acorn Trails a follow across Facebook, Twitter, Strava, Instagram or join their Run Club to keep up to date. Whole series package is closed for 2021).

The six parks are:


All races start at 10.30am


Enter the Bellahouston Park race via Entry Central.

Someone give Acorn Trails a shake – they’ve devised a race and it’s not through knee deep mud! The race in Bellahouston Park provides runners with its own unique challenges. 5km solely on tarmac, there are enough ups and downs and steps to keep you on your toes.

The race starts at the Dumbreck Road entrance across from Nithsdale Road with a gentle incline before swinging down to the left and towards the cycle track. After about 1.2km you then have the joy of tackling those beautiful Bellahouston Park steps as Acorn Trails tips its hat in the direction of the Southside Six.

The route then takes in two undulating loops before finishing with a downhill back towards the Dumbreck Road entrance.

Lovely route in a lovely park.



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Introduced by Acorn Trails in 2019, the South By Five races were well received by locals runners. Based on the iconic Glasgow race, The Southside Six, South By Five visits each of the six parks over a 10 week period. A 5km event is held in each park, with runners able to enter single events or the whole series (the whole series requires early booking so give Acorn Trails a follow across Facebook, Twitter, Strava, Instagram or join their Run Club to keep up to date. Whole series package is closed for 2021).

The six parks are:


All races start at 10.30am


Enter the Bellahouston Park race via Entry Central.

Someone give Acorn Trails a shake – they’ve devised a race and it’s not through knee deep mud! The race in Bellahouston Park provides runners with its own unique challenges. 5km solely on tarmac, there are enough ups and downs and steps to keep you on your toes.

The race starts at the Dumbreck Road entrance across from Nithsdale Road with a gentle incline before swinging down to the left and towards the cycle track. After about 1.2km you then have the joy of tackling those beautiful Bellahouston Park steps as Acorn Trails tips its hat in the direction of the Southside Six.

The route then takes in two undulating loops before finishing with a downhill back towards the Dumbreck Road entrance.

Lovely route in a lovely park.


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