Mini Southside Six

Route summary

A mini route through six of Glasgow’s smaller and lesser known parks in the Southside.

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Mini Southside Six elevation

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This route, just shy of 11km gives a great wee tour through six of Glasgow’s smaller and lesser known parks. Starting in Govanhill and heading to Cathcart, Newlands, Pollokshaws and Pollokshields you run through these parks in this order:

  • Govanhill Park
  • Holmlea Park
  • Newlands Park
  • Auldhouse Park
  • Maxwell Park
  • Titwood Park
  • Returning to Govanhill Park.

The route has some wee ups and downs along the way but is a cracking run. Give it a bash and let us know how you get on exploring some of Glasgow’s wee hidden gems.

Thanks to Barry Mitchell for this one.


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This route, just shy of 11km gives a great wee tour through six of Glasgow’s smaller and lesser known parks. Starting in Govanhill and heading to Cathcart, Newlands, Pollokshaws and Pollokshields you run through these parks in this order:

  • Govanhill Park
  • Holmlea Park
  • Newlands Park
  • Auldhouse Park
  • Maxwell Park
  • Titwood Park
  • Returning to Govanhill Park.

The route has some wee ups and downs along the way but is a cracking run. Give it a bash and let us know how you get on exploring some of Glasgow’s wee hidden gems.

Thanks to Barry Mitchell for this one.

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